About Us
Now in our 38th season, Concert Sundaes is FREE to the public!
Every Sunday evening between June and August at 7pm, come to Souderton Park, bring a lawn chair or a blanket, and enjoy the live music. Bring a little cash with you for a hot dog, pizza, and an ice cream sundae with all the fixings, reasonably priced and served to you each week by a different community group. A concert is never cancelled. If there is a threat of rain, we simply move to Souderton High School for the show.
Concert Sundaes in the Souderton Park are what living in a small town is all about. If you’re not there, you’re missing out!
The Concert Sundaes Committee is a small but mighty group of volunteers that meet throughout the year to ensure a fun, exciting, and seamless concert series. The evening is free and effortless to you, but it is a lot of work to pull together! We are tasked with finding and booking new talent, organizing the professional-level sound system, coordinating with our community partners, and perhaps most importantly, fundraising. The concerts are free to you only because of the generosity of our sponsors. Between the bands, their accommodations, the sound system, printing costs, utensils, and other miscellaneous expenses, each weekly concert can cost upwards of $5,000. Your personal or professional patronage at any level will allow these concerts to continue for another 38 years.
Concert Sundaes is formed under the Indian Valley Arts Foundation (IVAF), a nonprofit organization. Together with Community Arts Initiative and Montgomery County Poet Laureate Program, Concert Sundaes makes up a year-round program of arts education and enrichment for Indian Valley residents of all ages.

Enjoy our concerts from the Marcus Rosenberger Concert Lawn, named in honor of our founding member Marcus Rosenberger! Marc served as member-emeritus on our Committee for nearly four decades. His commitment and love for our organization will live on for many decades to come.
Committee Members
Dan Yocum- Chairman
Sam Martin
Marc Rosenberger
Jon Leight
Rosemary Buetikofer
Jenny Wheeler
Marian Eide
Dan Wurst
Dan Houser
Jeff Radcliffe- Sound System Tech
Jill Armentrout
Courtney Zettlemoyer
Scott Bishop
Karen Hengey
For directions via GPS use
98 W. Reliance Road, Souderton
Take 476 to exit 31 (Lansdale)
Turn right at the light onto Sumneytown Pike.
Stay on Sumneytown for approx 4 miles
Turn right onto route 113
Follow 4.5 miles to Reliance Road
Make a right onto Reliance (at the light)
Park will be on the left
Take 309 north to Souderton exit.
Turn left off the exit onto route 113
Staying on route 113. Go over railroad tracks and follow as route 113 turns right at the 4th light
At the top of the hill, past the WAWA you will see one of the parking lots for the park You can also make a left onto Reliance Road and the park and additional parking will be on the left
Take 309 north to Souderton exit.
Turn right at top of the exit onto route 113
Continue following the directions from step 3 above.
Concert Sundaes are held at Souderton Community Park
98 W. Reliance Road Souderton 18964